Pictured: Hidden Goddess © Danielle Mailer
May 12 - May 26: Group Photography from the Collection.
May 27 - June 16: “Coming Attractions!” Season Preview (Group Exhibit). Reception: Saturday, May 28, 7-9PM.
June 17 - June 30: “Brenda Silva: A Portuguese Native Paints Provincetown.” Oil Paintings by Brenda Silva and Driftwood Sculpture by Daniel Mac Lean.
Reception: Friday, June 24, 7-9PM.
July 1 - July 14: William Evaul. White-line Woodcuts.
Reception: Friday, July 1, 7-9PM.
July 15 - July 28: Marie St. Hilaire & Franny Golden. Oils & Mixed Media. Reception: Friday, July 15, 7-9PM.
July 29 - August 11: Johnny Swing. Installation: Furniture Sculpture. Reception: Friday, July 29, 7-9PM.
August 12 - August 25: Danielle Mailer. “Goddess of Small Things: A Celebration of the Female Form.” Paintings, prints, & painted masonite silhouettes.
Reception: Friday, August 12, 7-9PM.
August 26 - September 8: Michael Rogovsky. Oil Landscapes.
Reception: Friday, August 26, 7-9PM.
September 9 through October 6: Robert Scherer, "Blood Works: Portraits of Love and Loss in the Age of AIDS" Botanicals and Anatomical Illustrations in Blood on Paper. Reception Friday September 9, 7-9 PM. Artist Gallery Talk, Saturday, September 10, 7:30 PM.
October 7- October 28: 4 Women-- 4 Muses
From Saturday October 8 through Thursday, October 27, 2005, Little Gorgeous Things presents a group exhibit, "4 Women 4 Muses," opening with an artists' reception from 6-8pm on Saturday, October 8. This special exhibit features the work of four unique women artists: Color photographs of Times Square and Provincetown by Cassandra Spencer; Portrait drawings and figure studies by Jacqueline Levinson; Black and white photography by RJKATZ; and "The Alien Project," color photography by Andrea Rosenthal.
October 28- November 18: "Heavenly Bodies -- Images of Men," a selection of male figurative work by four esteemed artists working in a variety of media: Oil paintings by Michael Rogovsky; sculpture by Gary Wenc; photography by Tony Winthrop; and pyrographic (woodburning) drawings by Robert Sherer.
The show will open with an artists' reception from 6-8pm on Saturday, October 29, and will run through Friday, November 18, 2005.