Nibiru - Sumerian name for the tenth planet. Historian Zecharia Sitchin translated 5,500 year old cuneiform clay tablets describing four planets beyond Saturn. Modern astronomers have already found three of them. Available in small and medium. $15.00 |  While studying near Dharmsala, in the north of India, an old temple guard showed me an ancient carving of the infinity symbol: "This is life as we know it", he said, "this is the other side and this is when we come back." Available in small and medium. $15.00 |
 A sports enthusiast's version of a German Silver band. Its surface texture resembles a high performance golf ball, elegantly reflecting light from its engineered pattern of tightly packed hexagonal concave mirrors. Available in medium. $20.00 |  Inspired by the Morphic Fields of Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist from Cambridge, UK. Sheldrake suggests that DNA may act as copper coils do in a radio and thus be tuned to the particular frequency of a species. Available in small. $15.00 |
 (pictured in copper, sorry, you have to imagine it as all silver) Inspired by the Morphic Fields of Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist from Cambridge, UK. Sheldrake suggests that DNA may act as copper coils do in a radio and thus be tuned to the particular frequency of a species. Available in medium and large. $30.00 |  Design using an ingenious optical illusion from the Victorian era, when ladies "elongated" their fingers by wearing low pointed sleeves. The less shown of the upper hand, the longer the fingers look in comparison. Available in small and medium. $15.00 |
 Inspired by the calming effects of a bubbling brook. A favorite space to contemplate nature and meditate. Gently watching as flowing silver strands embrace and mix as the fresh waters of a mountain stream. Available in medium. $25.00 |  An intricate braid I found in Iceland on the handle of an old Viking sword. I unsuccessfully tried for years to reproduce it, until I saw a woman in a Copenhagen park, braiding a girl's hair in the very same pattern. Available in small and medium. $20.00 |